Hey there fellow caffeinds. I’m about to head off to Scone to share the coffee love amongst my thoroughbred friends whilst also tieing up some loose stones before a trip to Uluru in September to reconnect with my family and our beautiful land.
I’m sitting here having a breather listening to some very cool John Lee Hooker and JJ Cale vinyl records and thought to pen some words and let all you good folk know what the latest happenings are on bean planet, AoE.
Well I have to first say a big thanks for the incredible feedback we’ve had here for our new website. Glad you cats rate it! Have to say though that these “words in space” way of communicating with you all is pretty cool considering my very simple and limited cyber knowledge. I get the hype… you with me??
We’re all excited here at AoE planet as its been a full-on few months!
Espresso Sessions recently had the pleasure of hosting a sensational gig with Deborah Conway and partner Willy… a full house and a house full of love and great music. What a performance, what a voice and what a hell of a gig! The house overflowed with laughter, tears and a “little” vino! Lots of fun was had by all, Deb & Willy included!

Speaking of gigs, I recently had the very great pleasure of catching up with the great Australian music icon, poet, author and storyteller, the one & only, Mr Paul Kelly! Not only is he a coffee extremist (I love the man!) but the ultimate gentleman and performer.
We (Mario and myself) took Paul some AoE coffee just to say thanks for the music and great songs (and to maintain his habit and appreciation of good coffee of course), and to our amazement, Paul and Dan Kelly (Paul’s nephew and fellow band member), invited us both back stage after the gig to the green room for some coffee and music chat and a few beers… yeah… I know, it’s only Rock’n’roll, but we like it! Who needs caffeine to get a buzz… this was the ultimate buzz…!!
I was impressed with Paul’s knowledge of coffee and interesting methods of brewing whilst on the road, he told us about the times he’s had to use an iron turned upside down between two solid books or blocks so that the iron could act as a stovetop to brew his much needed espresso before a gig… only in America of course! Yes he said desperate measures were required in a desperate situation. Paul Kelly does think outside the square we know… again, that’s why I love the man! Whilst on the great man, check out his new record “Spring & Fall”. Possibly his best ever yet and if you can, do it on vinyl, I insist!
Still on music, Espresso Sessions will shortly announce two newly confirmed gigs coming up in November and December. Subscribe to our newsletter and be kept in the boogie zone. I am sorry however, but Paul Kelly is not one of those gigs… I hear the sighs… yes I know… sorry…

And… whilst on vinyl records and music (you should have guessed by now our serious love affair outside of caffeine) we are very excited (always excited too) to celebrate the “vinyl”, by announcing the release of our own brand new “record”. It is called… wait for it… “Revolution Blend” (as in 33 & a third RPM). This blend is dedicated to the “roots of coffee”, made up of Ethiopian, Kenyan & Rwandan coffees from the roots and home of the coffee bean, Africa. It captures all the earthy, rich tones, boldness and dark toasty chocolate notes with a light floral hint backed with a solid body bassline. We’ve enjoyed creating this blend and its label too… (thank you brother Mario for your creative art direction on this little gem). Get your boogie spinning and check it out. It will be released Sept 1st on our website for online purchasing. You can however get a peek-a-boo if you pop into 35 Main St for a pre-release taste & feedback as the boys in the bar cannot keep their hands off it!
And now for all you home barista enthusiasts, I am proud and excited (again), to hold our very first in-house Coffee Connoisseurs course to be held on Saturday 31st August at AoE, 9.30am – 11.30am. This gig covers a basic introduction to coffee appreciation, espresso machine operations, the grinder and understanding how to get the best out of your coffee and machine at home. We’ll also throw in a free 200 gram pack of Revolution Blend coffee for you to take home.
Hop onto our website and book your place online as places are very limited and selling fast.
Well, that’s it from me beautiful people… may your world be filled with lots of love, good health, peace, music, friends & family… and as the great JJ Cale said “slow down baby” and as I say “may your espresso be rich & bold”.
Om Shanti