Hey there all groovy cats. Hope these words find you well and at peace. We’re on a bit of a high here at 35 Main St (affectionately known as Exile on Main St…you know the great Stones album?…maybe not …). But anyway, getting high here is a way of life; caffeine, life, love and laughter being the basic ingredients that is, at Art of Espresso! And again we celebrate this with the news that our new Single Estate Origin, the organic Kenyan Peaberry scored a silver medal at the international Golden Bean awards last week held in Port Macquarie. Only 5 silver medals are awarded in this category so to score was a buzz when against over 500 entries, but to get so close to the big G is still something worth buzzing about!
Also giving us all a buzz is our new food philosophy featuring at Art of Espresso – My beautiful wife Gabrielle…(she’s the Rock! and I reckon I’m the Roll!) introduced the family to a healthier way of eating and is trying to adopt a sugar free lifestyle to our family. In fact my beer and single malt passions took a bit of a hit…I simply reduced the consumption to just 1 Coopers Sparkling Ale (long neck) a week. But with summer peeking its cheeky little face around the corner I feel the Coopers challenge will be indeed challenged. I’ll tell when I’m on my second beer!
Having said all that, at Art of Espresso, our resident gourmand Caroline Dowling, administrator/ foodie tech and engineer, has taken the challenge in her own hands and begun her own revolution. Smashing out amazing raw food, sugar free and gluten free (where possible)… everything free but the same flavours… literally giving the Art of Espresso bar a foodie edge which has sadly been lacking since we opened back in August 2010. The new food items on offer change daily using all fresh and local ingredients and only what’s in season, giving the bar a new lease of life for morning tea and lunch time meals. Stay tuned for some new healthy and tasty breaky items. I say go for it sister!
As you are all well aware by now of the devastating bush fires ravaging parts of our state at this very moment. I have dear friends and Art of Espresso customers who are currently in that devastation zone. With nearly 200 homes lost and the current state of emergency and evacuations taking place, we feel a little helpless and all we can do is hope and pray for our Blue Mountains brothers and sisters.
Art of Espresso, through our Human Beans 4 Peace initiative, has decided to dedicate and donate the takings and ticket sales from the next Espresso Sessions gig featuring Australian music legend Cyndi Boste and local future legend, Tamworth Country Music award winning talent Sami Cooke, on Saturday Nov 2nd, to the Winmalee High School in the Blue Mountains.
Our Blue Mountains coffee cart operators, Scott and Sayoko of Zensational Coffee, are directly affected by this natural disaster and have had to leave their home due to recent evacuations. Sayoko is also a teacher at the Winmalee school. The school has become a refuge for many a local family currently without a home. The funds raised from this gig on Nov 2nd will assist the teachers, parents, caregivers and families with basic needs during these tough times. Scott and Sayoko have offered to supply free coffee with their coffee cart for all the champion firefighters and volunteers and Art of Espresso is supplying all the coffee beans free to help aid their noble work. You can help us out too.
We only have about 20 odd tickets left for this, now, very special gig. Tickets are only $45 so get some friends together and come witness some stunning Australian independent music..LIVE!..and ALL for a worthy and special cause. In fact the Art of Espresso team have all pledged their nights wage earnings to the cause as well! Thanks to you Mario, Brad, Tash and Luke…Big love guys.
So put Sat night Nov 2nd aside in your diary and get down to Exile on Main St (aka Art of Espresso) for some Alt Country, blues and roots live music and support this Human Beans 4 Peace official fundraiser.
For ticket sales to the gig or donations, come into the bar or call on 6382 1151.
Peace love & respect to you all,