Hey there sweet souls and welcome to 2015,
May you allow me to please indulge here and begin by first and foremost thanking and acknowledging each and every one of you for your continued passion and support for all things AOE. As I have stated before to be able to make a living from my caffeine addiction, share it, teach it, trade in it, brew it and roast it is one of life’s most incredible privileges which I do not for one single moment take for granted.
I say this in all sincerity. You sweet cats have in some way shape or other been part of this awesome tapestry and for that I acknowledge you by offering you all something NEW! But let me begin by first sharing this little story.
As a child, I was semi raised by my beautiful Sicilian rural, underprivileged, undereducated grandparents who loved me unconditionally in this beautiful and privileged country. As a child I was drinking espresso coffee from the age of five. My Nonna used to pour it on my cereal with a little milk and a teaspoon of raw sugar.
I loved the smell of that old kitchen every morning with the cafetiera stove top brewing fresh ground coffee and my Nonna raving on in the old Sicilian dialect about the importance of education and school, neat haircuts, crisp ironed school shirts and how good coffee is for the digestive system.
I must’ve had Australia’s first ever Mocha when she’d put a shot of espresso with my Coco pops.
My grandfather taught me the importance of self-respect, integrity and character…and also how to cook. “Whatever you do, do your best, even if you don’t like it”. But if you like it you should do better than your best because you know the best is never enough. Why? Because you love it!.” I never forgot those words….and the accent too!!
It’s a shame my grandparents aren’t still around to try one of my coffees. But as all ancestors are a part of your overall make up, I take comfort in knowing that they are a part of who I am today including my tastebuds! So where is all this verbosity leading me to I hear you all very clearly ask?? Let me tell you. I am officially announcing to you all the birth of a “Brand” new baby.
AOE recently gave birth to a beautiful, healthy bouncing baby Goat!! We named it “Wild Goat Coffee Roasters“. She even has her own webpage and you can check it out here.
The Wild Goat is purely a nod and acknowledgement to my ancestry. My surname “Capra” literally means “goat”. “Capra Augagus” means “wild goat”. Simple really.
In fact when you read about the lineage my name has to the coffee plant you will be surprised that what I do for a living is actually not a surprise at all. It’s a bit freaky but I love a happy freak out regardless!
The Wild Goat coffee is a blend of wild berries of the Central Americas bursting with the extravagance of dark chocolates and toasty notes of the Africa’s. It has a happy profile of medium to dark roast and doesn’t pretend to be anything other than a good honest espresso style coffee without the facade of modern marketing. As I wrote for the webpage “it is meant to be enjoyed just like nature intended it to be… pesticide free, organic, wild and full of the flavour of…you guessed it…coffee!”
It is a celebration of my heritage and the culture I totally stand for which in essence is the human and earth relationship. This along with the principles of equality, non-violence and ecological responsibility, make up the business philosophy necessary for AOE to help make a difference.
As a token of thanks to you for your continued generous spirit I am offering to the first 20 people who reply to this post in whatever way, a complimentary packet of 200g Wild Goat coffee for you to enjoy FREE!
Easy! Seriously!
I don’t care what you write, just give it to me and I will send you coffee. Just include a postal address and if you want beans or ground coffee. Simple!
I just want to share this amazing new coffee with you. As I said… EASY… and FREE!
Speaking of easy, as the new year simply takes off without a care, I must butt in for a brief commercial break and let you know what’s coming up here at the electric church of beans… aka 35 “Exile On” Main Street, Young.
My other passion… yes I know you know… live music… (well guessed!)…..Herewith is the latest ESPRESSO SESSIONS GIG GUIDE… I so know you groovy cats love this bit… Okay coming up we have for you….LIVE
With support Mark Corkery (back due to unprecedented demand let me tell you!!).
TIX NOW ON SALE AT AOE and are selling very quickly. Just 2 for $100!!! Or single ticket $60

MAY 2015
- A revamped and re amped AOE webpage
- Art of Espresso Members Club (lots of fun things and happenings are planned for club members… we don’t have a name for it yet… but stay tuned)
All will be revealed in the next blog (hopefully).
As always, to make these exciting things happen and come to fruition, it takes plenty of time, lots of love, a dash of passion and personality, a bit of too-ing and fro-ing, plenty of commitment, a good dose of vinyls, a few glasses of wine, a double ristretto or two, the odd misunderstanding and above it all.. .just an ounce of courage. But I promise I will do my best… actually no… I will do better than my best if I can help it.
Why? Because I bloody love it!!!
So brothers and sisters, stay beautiful and if you can help it, as the great twelfth century poet, Rumi wrote “…Let the beauty we love be what we do….”
Breathe and smile
Om Shanti