Hey sweeties,If ya haven’t already heard AOE celebrate 20 years this year of caffeine and rock n roll.To celebrate we are releasing a brand spanker of a new coffee which we have christened “THE BLUES BLEND”.

We literally established the first ever mobile coffee cart in NSW and from there, hit the road and continue to do so to this day!!
Three babies later and lots of beers,coffee,road food,gigs,cheap motels,events which included anything from Mardi Gras after parties, Fashion Week,Country shows, Tobacco sponsored marquees,Hot Rods, Rugby World Cup Launch,Tamworth music festivals,tequilas, wine, panadols,sleepovers,friends made,friends lost and everything and anything else in between, we decided to settle. Well,sort of….
We began roasting coffee in 2003 from a purpose built shed but soon after a few awards and some curious media.. the wings began to spread and in 2009 we purchased 35 Main Street in Young,now affectionately known as the electric church of beans.
In 20 years lots has happened from winning more awards to establishing Direct trade coffee relations with farmers from around the world, to training hundreds of future baristas, to helping sweet folk open their dream coffee bar, to starting a sub culture of amazing live music in the Espresso Bar, establishing the iconic Kombi Blend, winning Gold and Champion in 2016 at the coveted Sydney Royal, meeting some amazing folk all along the way, having run our first ever Direct Trade Tour in 2018 to India and forming life long relationships and friends, creating a blend for The Waifs on their national tour and hosting The Waifs in Young in 2017, The AOE USA Tour and judging at the American Golden Bean in Portland, Oregon,inspiring our own employees to have a go and open succeessful local cafes and mobile carts and in amongst it all, watching your very own babies grow up to become young adults.
My personal AOE highlight would have to be hands down our first ever A Direct Trade Tour to India in 2018!!
To have like minded folk such as customers,team members,family and freinds join us on that tour was together totally surreal,emotional and above all inspiring. I still feel humbled by that experience.

Yes,there is so much to celebrate and I couldn’t possibly think of a better way than to do it with coffee!! The Blues Blend is all about AOE!!… in body and in soul…
Our corporate colour is Royal Blue( hence why our first ever blend was named Caffe Royale”),our state of NSW is known as The Blues,my Italian heritage,’The Azzurri”, literally translates to … you guessed it…”The Blues”,my beautiful wife,Gabrielle’s eyes are Blue and of course,last but certainly not least…….. The Blues (music) had a baby and called it Rock n Roll (Muddy Waters)… This Blend captures everything we stand for and believe in. In fact, I was so committed to the roots of Blues music, that the Blues Blend core riff is a beautiful coffee from Uganda,an African gem.
The Blues is a stunning blend made up of estate coffees from Uganda, Colombia,Cuba and Sumatra. It truly is a much anticipated era defining taste in coffee by AOE. With hints of American tobacco,Colombian sweetness,Indonesian fruitiness with a subtle smokey coffee finish,it will tempt your palate with anticipation like a John Lee Hooker blues riff on a hot Memphis night. It’s all rock n roll people. I hope you enjoy it.
The Blues Blend is now available online.
Stay tuned for more Blues Blend news as they come. We will also have available very soon, a Blues Blend body soap scrub,a range of mens Blues Blend grooming products and also the introduction of the very first ever Nespresso compatible bio degradable Blues Blend pods all to be released just in time for Christmas.
The Blues blend will certainly be setting a new bench mark for AOE coffee and become the caffeine riff for the soul.

The music scene has been a little light on this year as this is only the second show we have hosted in 2019.
I am so proud to announce the return of Ruby Boots to our humble little keyhole of a stage here at AOE HQ!!
Ruby last played a Sold out show here in 2017 when she joined The Waifs/Stray Sisters as the head support act on their National Tour.
Ruby has gone to a whole new level of performing and singing since she has made Nashville Tennessee her new home.
She has co written songs with Vikki Thorn of The Waifs, Davey Lane of You Am I and also performed with these guys as well as Bill Chanmbers and Jordie Lane.
Her style is very much in the Nashville Americana/Alt country feel with nod to rock n roll.
She is not to be missed.

Tix are now LIVE via this link. Be there!!
Stay beautiful.